Monday, August 21, 2017

You are not (likely) the exception.

Everyone has an excuse if they allow themselves to.

I started to list some examples, but that's really not necessary because you are probably thinking of some excuses you have used right now. If you are an outstanding person with no weaknesses or excuses to give, then you are probably sitting there judging everyone who has ever told you an excuse.... The point is we hear excuses EVERY day from EVERY side. You do not have to seek someone with an excuse... they seem to be always present. 

I have always been a fairly content, happy person but I was filled with excuses. These excuses often never left my mouth, but they took up residence in my mind. 

There is an exception to every rule. I honestly believed that I was the exception. My life, my body, was more unmanageable than everyone else's. I worked hard. I always have. That is my personality. Throw my entire being at something and hope and pray that my efforts are not in vain... but they were. Why? I am the rule, not the exception. 

Hard work will complete a project, meet a deadline, and win a contest, but health and wellness is not hard... it is consistent. Okay. Consistency is hard, but not in the same way as all this effort and striving. Consistency is about taking small steps every day. It's about putting in the same effort each day towards your well being. I was used to going all in "until the job is done." NEWSFLASH: The job is never done when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. 

I came home exhausted today. I prepped a healthy dinner for my boys and I, we all ate together, cleaned the kitchen while they colored in the living room, then it was teeth, pajamas, and bed. My FitBit vibrated letting me know I had met my step goal for the day- 9,000 steps... I had not worked out. That was my daily routine. At first I told myself, "That's plenty. I know I planned on working out, but I met my step goal, so that's good." Then I got over myself, got up off the couch, and went to change into my work out gear. 30 minutes. I'm still tired, but being disciplined feels good. 

It is easy to excuse our behavior because someone else can do less with the same or better result. That is easy. This "someone" is the exception. You (most likely) are not. 

"The grass is greener where you water it." I have always loved that! Do not compare yourself to someone else's standards. We are living in our own skin, in our own yard. Care for YOUR body. Water YOUR grass. It is okay to be the rule. If you are, just know I am right there with you. :)