Sunday, October 23, 2016


Confession: I am a hoarder of unnecessary emails.

I just spent the last hour of my life deleting emails that have collected in my inbox that I have never and will never look at. AN HOUR!!!! I began frantically deleting emails and searching for companies like Gap, Staples, and Babies 'R Us, who think it is important to flood your inbox with multiple emails a day about things you don't have the time to buy. In the middle of my deletion mission, I realize that I have created this problem... If I would unsubscribe to the emails, the emails will stop. Here's the part that gets me, I have wasted an hour of my life trying to fix something that could have been avoided in the first place. If I would have unsubscribed to the first email sent, I would have been home free.

With this realization, I discover that the same is true with health and weight loss. I did nor become overweight overnight. It was a slow process. Every bowl of ice cream, every sugary latte, every time I got "seconds" when I was no longer hungry... these things added up and collected themselves in my body, just like those pesky emails. I became overweight because I really love food. There are times that I believe that I have relied on food for comfort that I should have sought from healthier places, like my loving husband or my best friend. A bowl of ice cream for me is like eating a bowl of heaven. BUT... once the bowl is over, so is the happy it brought.

And that is problem with food addiction. No one can be fully satisfied by food. Food is literally just a mode of survival. Now, God made it taste great (and I believe he did so out of love for us), but the primary purpose of food is so that our bodies receive the proper nutrients necessary to keep us alive.

I am learning the power in saying no.

When eating out with friends and that huge basket of chips and salsa approaches, I know that I have the power to say no. Here's the kicker: I have decided beforehand what I will be eating. I use all of that time before the meal comes to focus on the actual conversation between friends. When I realized that I did not eat anything off of my plan and that I don't feel like I am missing out, I know that I am starting to understand the power in no.

So tonight, not only did I delete all those emails, but I took time to say NO! My inbox and my scale should both be a little lighter from now on. :)


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