Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Year, Same Me

Total Weight Lost: 34 lbs.
This Week: -2.5 lbs.

As I approach 2017, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my journey through weight loss. I've often heard the saying "New Year, New Me" especially in conjunction with weight loss or fitness goals. This phrase does not sit with me this year. I fully understand that weight loss is partly a physical game. You must eat healthy, well-balanced meals. You should incorporate more activity and exercise. You have to continue the path towards health. Perhaps more than the physical, successful weight loss is a mental battle.

I have already felt the shift from the trying to avoid foods that are bad for me to trying to ensure that I eat foods that are beneficial and fuel my body. Because this shift is already taking place, the new year is not a beginning of the new me, but a continuation of the person I am becoming. That person is healthy, happy, content, and striving.

This week of Christmas, I was approached with two choices: fight and struggle or live. Thanksgiving was the former. I struggled and fought and was MISERABLE! My thought life was crowded by thoughts of how unfair it was that I would have to always eat differently than I used to and my family does. At Christmas, I had all the same yummy food, but the choice to eat well was simpler. I know that my choice to eat well makes me well. Healthy foods produce a healthy life. My choices of what goes in my body effect how I feel inside of my body.

The choices are getting easier and easier. I think that is largely because I feel better and better each day. I had a few glasses of wine over the week, and I regret nothing! HA! I chose in good conscience to have a glass. The choice is what holds the power. I choose to be better this year, this month, this week, tomorrow than I am today. So as we ring in the New Year, I will stay the same. Maintaining my journey to health and choosing daily to live in the best way I can.

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