Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Year, Same Me

Total Weight Lost: 34 lbs.
This Week: -2.5 lbs.

As I approach 2017, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my journey through weight loss. I've often heard the saying "New Year, New Me" especially in conjunction with weight loss or fitness goals. This phrase does not sit with me this year. I fully understand that weight loss is partly a physical game. You must eat healthy, well-balanced meals. You should incorporate more activity and exercise. You have to continue the path towards health. Perhaps more than the physical, successful weight loss is a mental battle.

I have already felt the shift from the trying to avoid foods that are bad for me to trying to ensure that I eat foods that are beneficial and fuel my body. Because this shift is already taking place, the new year is not a beginning of the new me, but a continuation of the person I am becoming. That person is healthy, happy, content, and striving.

This week of Christmas, I was approached with two choices: fight and struggle or live. Thanksgiving was the former. I struggled and fought and was MISERABLE! My thought life was crowded by thoughts of how unfair it was that I would have to always eat differently than I used to and my family does. At Christmas, I had all the same yummy food, but the choice to eat well was simpler. I know that my choice to eat well makes me well. Healthy foods produce a healthy life. My choices of what goes in my body effect how I feel inside of my body.

The choices are getting easier and easier. I think that is largely because I feel better and better each day. I had a few glasses of wine over the week, and I regret nothing! HA! I chose in good conscience to have a glass. The choice is what holds the power. I choose to be better this year, this month, this week, tomorrow than I am today. So as we ring in the New Year, I will stay the same. Maintaining my journey to health and choosing daily to live in the best way I can.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Christmas (momma needs a) break

Total Weight loss on TSFL: 31 lbs.
Weight loss this week: 0 lbs.

So.... It's Christmas break for me. Two weeks of "vacation", which in my house means chasing and managing twins toddlers. So I will rephrase this holiday to Christmas no school.

Tuesdays are my weigh-in days, and today I lost nothing. I weigh exactly the same I did last week. After steadily losing, a 0-lb weight loss is a little unsettling. If I am going to be completely honest, which is always my aim here, I had a glass of wine Saturday and Sunday evening, so I haven't been completely on program. My health coach recently posted about a "Fat-burn challenge" which is supposed to throw your body into fat burn. Basically I still eat 5 of the Medifast meal replacements (2 of which should be shakes), drink at least 100 oz of water, and each 2 cups of Egg Beaters and 3 cups of spinach for my lean and green. So that is the plan for today through Thursday. I want to create a good fat burn before we leave for holiday activities.

Even though I did not lose any pounds this week, I feel really good. My body is changing before my eyes. I have hit one troubling circumstance: my once full bodied booty is disappearing into thin air!!!! My butt is fading.... like I now do not have a full bottom... THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!

I'm half-teasing, but mostly very serious. Along with my change of diet, my body is looking very different than it ever ha before. I have always carried my weight low (mainly in my thighs and rear), but I have lose 5 inches off of my hips and 3.5 inches off of my thigh.... in 12 weeks. Isn't that crazy! When I am down to my goal weight, I have no idea what I will actually look like. I am beginning to think that my pear-shape may be turning into more of an hourglass. When I begin to have to buy clothing, I am scared I will not even know how to dress myself. I will cross that bridge when it comes.

Christmas is less than a week away, and I am promising myself that I will be better prepared than I was at Thanksgiving. I would love to drop more weight this week! I am due a big week, considering the last several weeks have been small weight losses. Maybe I am a "turtle loser", slow and steady. Regardless, I know how important it is to be consistent day in and day out. I would like to aim for big losses the next couple of weeks. I am only 19 lbs away from my original goal. It is so close, I can see it. I just have to continue reaching and stay focused.

For what it is worth, I want to encourage whomever may be reading this. This holiday gift yourself with wellness. You don't have to wait for January to come so you can be focused until Valentine candy is on the selves. Just start now. You can start small: eat more veggies, skip dessert, drink more water. Don't let holidays weigh you down... literally. Be blessed!

- Bethany

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Check yo'self

In a perfect world, I would have never become overweight and this process of refocusing my mind towards habits of a healthy lifestyle would all be completely unnecessary. We, dear friends, do not live in a perfect world. Far from it actually; therefore, I must go through this process of mental transition. After a really, really difficult mental week, this past week was smooth sailings for this girl. I was able to regain some momentum and push ahead. Every time a bite of something off program called I remembered the wise words of Ice Cube, "Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self". (Thanks to my Health Coach for making that my mantra!) After a renewed spirit and focus, I stepped on the scale this morning. I was feeling extra skinny and just knew that my diligence would pay off!! I mean, last week I was so unfocused and I lost 3 pounds! The red lights flashed back and forth, my hopes hanging in the balance... -1 lb. ONE POUND!!!!!!

Here's the kicker. I am not upset. Not even a little bit. I feel great. Last week I felt terrible, and the three pound weight loss did nothing for me, but this week... that one pound was enough to let me know that I am progressing and consistency matters.

I am currently in a size 12, where I have spent most of my life. All of my old clothes fit, including my little black dress (size 10) that I bought in college. I am very, very comfortable in this size, at this weight, with these clothes. There lies my next challenge: I have to learn to accept what I've never allowed myself to be.

I am walking into uncharted territory, folks, and these next 20-25 pounds will open up a whole new world to me. I don't even know what that world looks like. I can feel myself getting anxious. I've already lost 30 pounds in 11 weeks.... what is 20 more, right? WRONG! These next weeks of weight loss are different because I can not even imagine the end goal. It's time for me to put on my seat belt, let the top down, and enjoy the ride.

This week, a verse from Job has been circling my mind. Job 11:18 says, "Having hope will give you courage." Yes it will. I am clinging to this hope that I have that I can take back control of my life. That food will not and does not control my actions, motives, and mental space. I have the power and ability to overcome that. And when "my flesh may fail", I know that God will be my rock, upholding all the while.

Here's to a wonderful week leading up to Christmas. May my spirit (and body) be light[er]!

- Bethany

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Out of Control

Life at my house is crazy. I often have wondered why I started this journey when my children are so small. Why did I start trying to lose weight so close to the major holiday season? What the hell am I doing?!?!?

My life feels out of control at the moment. My job as a junior high school counselor is demanding, especially at the close of the semester. My twin boys are 15 months, which means they are ever curious, ever hungry, and ever moody. When one isn't crying, the other picks up the slack. I am physically exhausted and mentally drained.

I know that the key to successful, longterm weight loss is revamping your mental awareness. Honestly, I am struggling right now. Bad.

I feel so defeated in so many areas of my life that it is hard to revel in my success with my weight loss. I have lost 3.5 pounds this week after a 3.5-pound-loss last week (Thanksgiving week). I am officially down 30 pounds since late September, and 50 pounds since March 2016. I know that in my head, but my heart is still hanging on to a negative view of myself. Every week I lose weight, yet recently I have felt so discouraged and disconnected from my goal. It is almost like I need a clean slate- a fresh start.